Early Purple 60mm+
First of the 2024 season, we have limited supply of our beautiful Te Mata Early Purple , grown from bulbils first in 2019 = very fresh and vigorous stock. Huge Bulbs, Huge Cloves.
Shipment will be from 20th Nov. Will be fully dry for Christmas, or eat green for a slightly more mild refreshing garlic taste sensation.
Minimum order $50
- Contains compounds with potent medicinal properties
- Low in calories
- High in Manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Selenium, Fiber, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron and Vitamin B1
- Combats sickness
- Helps to reduce blood pressure, may lower risk of heart disease and improve bone health
- Full of antioxidants and detoxifying properties
"Great products - I love trying the different varieties of your garlic I never knew existed."